
Predict which party was supported by age, gender, income group, and education

Interpret coefficients


Model is only 'partly significant' in terms of its effects significance:

Odds ratio

'Conservative' as reference group - read each statement as: "party by value comparing with 'Conservative' "

Age have exactly the same effect in each submodel.

Average Marginal Effects

Well, it's a lot of to describe:

Age have nearly the same effect in each submodel.

All of those are really small effect sizes.

Look at the model fit

Pseudo R-squared is way lower than 0.1 which is totally not enough for considering model as good.

Meh, could be better - but still OK, because here are not binary prediction (maybe for such task will be more suitable to use PCA or CFA or some clusterization techniques)

Well, others is really underpredicted - zero at interception.

Overall, model just loves conservatives and tries to set any observation to than group.

Make a plot to illustrate the relationship between education and party preferences

As already known from metrics years of education slightly increases probability to vote for 'Liberal Democrats' in comparisong of voting for 'Conservatives'

Consider theoretical explanations of the results

Great, but how I'm going to do it when I don't have any theory, RQ's or hypotheses?

OK, firstly - people became more conservative with years of age, but became more liberal with years of education. Such results is kinda obvious - elderly people are more conservative, educated ones - more liberal.
Secondly, people with more income tends to be more conservative - I suppose here will be great to look at interaction of income and age in further elaboration of the model.
Finally - multinomial logistic regression is not the best choice for such data and better to use some clusterization techniques (although logistic regression is clusterization)